par L'Ingénieur » 10 Mai 2006, 11:40
Et moi qui vient d'acheter le coffret Hellraiser 1-2-3 anglais en forme de Lament Configuration ! Pour un peu plus de 25 euros, on a au programme :
Special limited edition Lament Configuration box set packaging, just like the puzzle box in the film!
Audio commentary from writer/director Clive Barker
Audio commentary from writer/director Clive Barker with star Ashley Laurence
'Under The Skin: Doug Bradley On Hellraiser' featurette
'Resurrection' featurette
'On Set Interview With Clive Barker' featurette
TV spots
Poster and stills gallery
Theatrical trailers
Hellraiser merchandising promo
Scripts (accessible via PC in PDF format)
Hellraiser 2 - Hellbound:
Audio commentary from director Tony Randel and writer Pete Atkins
Audio commentary from director Tony Randel and star Ashley Laurence
'Under The Skin: Doug Bradley On Hellraiser 2 - Hellbound' featurette
'Lost In The Labyrinth' featurette, produced by Clive Barker
'On Set Interview With Clive Barker' featurette
On set interview with Clive Barker, Tony Randel, Claire Higgins, Ashley Laurence, Imogen Boorman and Kenneth Crantham
Behind the scenes montage
Poster and stills gallery
Script (accessible via PC in PDF format)
TV spots
Theatrical trailers
Hellraiser 3 - Hell On Earth:
Audio commentary from director Anthony Hickox and star Doug Bradley
'Doug Bradley On Hellraiser 3 - Hell On Earth' featurette
'Raising Hell On Earth': an interview with director Anythony Hickox
Poster and stills gallery
Theatrical trailer
Bonus Disc
Early Clive Barker short film: 'Salome' (1973, 18mins)
Early Clive Barker short film: 'The Forbidden' (1978, 36 mins)
Interviews with Clive Barker, Pete Atkins and Doug Bradley, discussing the early short films
Trop cool, mais je sais pas s'il ya les 15 minutes en plus.
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