![user posted image](http://www.creepsylvania.com/ghoulunatics.jpg)
Voila un groupe parfait pour OMG !!
Ils ont carrement fait un concept de mort vivants typiques film d´horreur 80´s, leur site web reprend l´idee d´une ville maudite "Creepsylvania", ou des legendes morbides subsistent...
"Today Creepsylvania is a large and bustling city in the Old Europe style with diverse industries such as Toxic Waste Disposal, Funeral Related Services, Bog Draining, Peat Harvesting, and many others. The townsfolk are friendly but timid, mostly due to some superstitious clap-trap about freakish "Ghouls" who live under the cemetery and venture out at night to defile graves and murder people in their sleep. This type of old world folklore only serves to increase the charm and appeal of what Creepsylvanians quaintly call "The Hell of Eastern Europe"
"Visitors to our peaceful town are as safe as can be and don't have to worry about being disappeared in the night by stinking cannibal fiends."
voila un des profils d´un des gas du groupe ( pour voir les autres fait cliquer sur la photo qui presente l´ensemble du groupe )
![user posted image](http://www.creepsylvania.com/crematorfile.jpg)
Musicalement ca sonne comme les vieux albums de CARCASS, avec un coté tres trash death oldschool en plus....
Y a un ancien membre du vieu groupe de Death metal appellé IMPALED dedans ...
la discographie :
![user posted image](http://www.creepsylvania.com/maniaxe.jpg)
![user posted image](http://www.creepsylvania.com/wecamefor.jpg)
Un groupe qui meriterait largement une interview pour le site....