
-> Le gros Gore qui tache et les films dégueux à vomir

Messagepar monkeyarris » 13 Mai 2007, 14:49

A new British exploitation flick that will be released later this year. A Nazi cult and several other demented souls seek out an ancient spear with the power to make their deranged fantasies a reality, and they'll do anything to get it. Pure unapolagetic exploitation from the creators of Excreamer.

You can view the uncut trailer here: ... 2028853474

Info on the making of here:

Thanks in advance to those who take a look. I'd be interested to hear your views.
Messages: 2
Inscription: 13 Mai 2007, 14:46

Messagepar The Trooper » 13 Mai 2007, 15:17

very intersting... how much for buy the dvd ?
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The Trooper
No social life
Messages: 6912
Inscription: 05 Novembre 2003, 12:25

Messagepar monkeyarris » 13 Mai 2007, 15:57

We are currently seeking a distributor, so the film is not available yet.
Trying to get the film promoted at the moment.

Thanks for your interest.
Messages: 2
Inscription: 13 Mai 2007, 14:46

Messagepar The Trooper » 13 Mai 2007, 16:10

oki... i'll wait.... B)
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The Trooper
No social life
Messages: 6912
Inscription: 05 Novembre 2003, 12:25

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